Saturdays 5:30 pm

Sundays 10:00 am

Wednesday 7 om (Lent and Advent)

Sunday School Classes 9:00 am September to May 12th 

Bible Study Wednesday 10 am

​Live-streamed on our Facebook page:

WELCOME: Thank you for joining us for worship today. We are glad you are with us. Communion will be served in your pews or in the aisle. All are welcome to share at this meal. Jesus is our host and invites everyone.. As you entered worship you could have received your communion element, at that part of the service, you are invited to take the bread and wine (or grape juice) when Pr. Chrissy leads. Those who would like to come forward, bread and wine  will also be available in the front. When directed by the usher, come forward down the center aisle, Pr Chrissy will give you bread (she will be masked and wearing cloves) and then you will take a cup of wine (grape juice) from the tray. After taking communion you will return to your seat by the side aisle.  To reduce passing, offering is collected as you enter or leave worship.  Online giving is available. Please see QR code on back of bulletin or visit our website.

Trumpet Minor
Christ Lutheran Church

“A Place Where You are Always Welcome”

Services: Saturday 5:30 pm and Sunday 10:00 am

Sunday School 9:00 AM

Bible Study Wednesday 10 am

Office:  815-947-2033  
Ministers: ALL members of the congregation   
Pastor: Rev. Chrissy Salser   815-988-9450

IN OUR PRAYERS TODAY: Darlene and Walt Steffes, Bob Schreck, Delores Wampfler, Marge Arnold, Shirley North, Edwin Upitis, Elaine Schlichting, Angie Broshous, Karli Weltzin, James Dieter, Greg Wurster, Dylan Landwer, Kay Hesselbacher, family and friends of Tom Schuldt


 ONLINE GIVING:  Your gift has a big impact on our ministries and those we serve. Scan this code or visit our website to give online today.

HOW WILL YOU SERVE IN WORSHIP:  We need you!!!! to light the candles, read scripture, usher, prepare communion, set up coffee, run Facebook live, help make the space inviting. Sign up in the back of the church on the clip board. Sign up for one service or many.  

NEW EMAIL ADDRESS: New email address is  Please update your contacts with the new email address. Thank you.

SUNDAY SCHOOL: Did you know that our Sunday school has more then one class. The kids start in the sanctuary and then move to the nursery, while the adult class meets in the “Upper room” (room outside the office). We study the scripture text for Sunday mornings. Come and See!

BIBLE STUDY: join us on  Wednesday mornings at 10 am, we will meet in the narthex weekly to study the scripture readings for the upcoming Sunday. Come for a chance to explore the word together and pray over those on our prayer list. This will meet every Wednesday unless otherwise noted. Please contact Pr Chrissy if you have any question.

THE TABLE:  The Table is an opportunity for outreach to the local community.  This is a weekly noon meal provided by local churches to gather for food, fellowship and fun.  This is an outreach that we hope will begin soon with each church taking turns to provide the meal. If you are  interested in volunteering please talk with Janet Haas or Debbie Goebel. 

HOW WILL YOU SERVE IN WORSHIP:  We need you!!!! to light the candles, read scripture, usher, prepare communion, set up coffee, run Facebook live, help make the space inviting. Sign up in the back of the church on the clip board. Sign up for one service or many.  

SUNDAY SCHOOL: Did you know that our Sunday school has more than one class. The kids start in the sanctuary and then move to the nursery, while the adult class meets in the “Upper room” (room outside the office). We study the scripture text for Sunday mornings. Come and See!

UPDATE OF COUNCIL LEADERSHIP: We are still looking for a trustee if you feel called to help fulfill this need. Please pray for our council leadership.

VBS: This summer….. get ready for an action-packed Hero Hotline!  We come together to encounter and serve God together. VBS is June 3-7 from 9-11:30. Registration will be going live soon. Volunteers are needed. If you are interested in helping out, please see Pastor Chrissy or Darcie Raab. We need someone to run the recreation area and volunteers to rotate with the older group kids as well. Can’t come every day, no worries, we would love to have you help.

WOMEN’S RETREAT AT LOMC: mark your schedule now…. We have rescheduled for September 13 &14. Plan to join us. We are hoping to bring a group of ten or more.  More information can be found online

COLLECTION FOR VOICES: Thank you for all who have donated items for Voices, we dropped this off this week!

GRADUATES: High School seniors and College graduates, please notify the office with your future plans or recent accomplishments to be recognized the weekend April 27/28  during worship. Email pr Chrissy at

Needed:   Synod Assembly Delegates for June 14-15 @ Augustana College.  Please see     Pastor Chrissy if interested and for details.       
Needed: Part time Admin Assistant for the Church.  5-10 hours per week.   Word/Excel and general computer skills a must.   
Needed: quilter’s are needing sheets. Please talk to Judy Schultz with any questions.

Upcoming Events  

April 17- 10 am Bible Study
April 17- 7 pm church council
April 20- 5:30 pm Worship
April 21- 9 am Sunday School
April 21 – 10am Worship
April 22- 9 am quilting
April 24- 10 am bible Study
April 24- 3:30-4:30 Confirmation class make up
April 27- Welca RETREAT at LOMC
April 27- 5:30 pm Senior recognition at worship
April 28- 9 am Sunday School
April 28 - 10 am Senior recognition at worship
April 28- 9 am Quilting
May 1- 10 am Bible Study
May 1- 3:30-4:30 Confirmation Make up
May 4/5 Diakonia Worship Weekend
March 5- 2 pm Baccalaureate
May 19- Confirmation Sunday
VBS June 3rd-7th-  9am-11:30 am
September 13-14 -Women’s Retreat at LOMC

ANDERSON HOUSE APARTMENTS : an LSSI home and new ministry partner here  in Stockton,  Thank you for all who contributed to the items needed. We were able to bless them. Watch for more info as we will be celebrating the resident’s birthday.

COWORKERS IN THE GOSPEL:  Consider being apart of one our leadership teams. As of this month, three teams will be helping connect council and congregation as we work together to do ministry together. Three teams have formed; Worship Team, Building Team and Education Team. If you are interested in being apart of one of the teams, please see Pr Chrissy or someone on the team.

Worship team is made up of the deacons (Pam Dascher, Amanda Stocks, Peggy Harmston, Janet Haas) and anyone else who would like to participate.

The building team will access and address issues related to the building. Please see a trustee (Jerry Dascher, Terry Schlichting, Faron Wilkinson) if you would like to help out with the building. We are also looking for people interested in helping with the mowing the lawn come spring.
The Education Team will over see Confirmation, Sunday School and Vacation Bible School. Vacation Bible School is going to happen June 3-7  from 9-11:30. If you would like to be apart of the education team please see Darcie Raab or Pr Chrissy.


Council Leadership:

Please pray for them and pray how you can join in the ministry of Christ Lutheran Church. There is much to do around here to keep us being the CHURCH. Pray how God may be leading you to step up in some way.  

President- David Heller             Vice President- Norm Groezinger

Secretary- Paula Fulton            Distributing Treasurer-Steve Jordan

Rec. Treasurer- Ken Buske       Christian Education- Darcie Raab

Deacon-  Peggy Harmston, Amanda Stocks, Janet Haas, Susan Heller

Trustee- Cory Hass, Terry Schlichting

Worship- Saturday 5:30 pm Sunday- 10:00 am

Sunday School – All ages 9:00 am

Confirmation Schedule 2023-2024 (subject to change)

September 10, 2023                 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM Rally Day

September 24, 2023                  11:30 AM- 1:30 PM     pizza for parents and Youth

what is confirmation? Expectations, parents please plan to attend.            

October 8, 2023                          11:30-1:30

October 21, 2023                       8:30- 6:15 meet at church to head to rockford for this time of service and fellowship with other confirmation students.

We are looking for a few drivers.

November 12, 2023                   11:30-1:30

November 17-18, 2023                          FALL Retreat at LOMC in Oregon, IL .

Friday- 5:00 pm meet at church and return to church for worship Saturday, then parents pick up after worship

Cost $75 per person, please see Pr Chrissy with any concerns about cost.

Male chaperone is needed.

December 10, 2023                    11:30-1:30

December…                                  Youth Group Christmas gathering

January 14, 2024                        11:30-1:30

January 28, 2024                        11:30-1:30

February 11, 2024                      11:30- 1:30

February 25, 2024                      11:30- 1:30

March 10, 2024                           11:30- 1:30

March 24, 2024                          11:30-1:30

March 31, 2024                           7 am set up for Easter Breakfast and worship

April 14, 2024                              11:30-1:30

April 28, 2024                               11:30-1:30

May 19, 2024                               8th graders affirm their faith. Arrive at 8:45 AM


VBS  June 3-7, 9-11:30 AM Please plan on being present to help serve


 As we learn and grow together, besides attending class

Attend worship

Monthly sermon notes
Monthly leadership (acolyte, read, facebook live, greet)

Attend youth group or Sunday school
Shut in and other service projects , including VBS in July
Attend retreat at LOMC
If classes are missed, makeup is available. \


We are also looking for parents to sign up to bring lunch for class. Roughly to feed about a  dozen.  Please contract Pr Chrissy or Darcie to Sign up.